Random Sentence Generator

Generate a random list of valid simple sentences to jump-start your creative writing!

How Does a Random Sentence Generator Work?

To start, choose the number of sentences (or leave blank) and select the number of words you want in the sentence (or leave empty) and that is it! Click the generate button, and we will display random sentences. All the simple sentences are valid.

Random Sentences

  • I'm always dropping things.
  • Orcas are very docile.
  • He was reluctant to answer.
  • I think that Tom wasn't being sincere.
  • Give us a couple more minutes.
  • Tom is the guy over there sitting near the window.

What Parts are Required for a Sentence?

In the English language, you have eight different parts of speech. You have propositions, adjectives, verbs, nouns, interjections, conjunctions, adverbs, and pronouns. These can be combined to create a sentence. That being said, it's important to know that you only need to have a subject, predicate, and noun for your sentence to be complete. If you include one but not the rest, you will have a fragmented sentence. This is not grammatically correct.

The Subject

The subject of a sentence refers to the main noun, noun phrase, or pronoun. An example is, "James walked down the street." You also have "they walked to school," and "the white cat slept all day." You can have various types of subjects. If you were to have a simple subject, then this would be a single word without any additional modifiers. This would usually be a noun or a pronoun. If you have a complete subject, then this would be a subject plus some modifiers. Lastly, a compound subject would consist of more than one subject.

Simple- "James is a nice boy."

Complete- "Katie's poem about his dad made the entire class cry."

Compound- "Tommy and Jackie signed up to the soccer team together."

You should take note that the subject always comes before the verb. It doesn't matter how long the subject happens to be because it is the noun that is, performing the object.

Predicate of Sentences

The predicate of a sentence happens to include the verb, as well as everything that comes after it. This normally tells what the subject is doing via an action verb. It can also be used to describe the subject. This is done by linking a verb with a complement . Some examples would be "Katie strolled down the street" and "they went to college." You also have "the white cat slept all day." These words help to make up the predicate of the sentence. The verb is a simple predicate, and with the subjects, you will soon see that it is possible to turn it into a compound predicate. This would consist of two actions.

Simple- "James cried."

Complete- "The rat slowly scurried towards the cheese."

Compound- "She smiled at the dog's tricks and decided to adopt him."

Predicates tend to contain a lot of information, but at the same time, they can be long. They often have various parts in addition to the verb, and they also, contain complements and objects.

Optional Parts

So now you understand the two major parts of a sentence, it is time to move on to how the elements work. These elements tend to contain modifiers, complements, and objects. Objects tend to be noun phrases that are included within the predicate. Direct objects are the things that are acted upon. They answer any question that could begin with "what." A few examples of this would be "James purchased the gift." What was the gift? You also have "the child threw the frisbee." What did the child throw? By looking at it this way, you will soon find that it is very easy for you to find out whether something is an object or not.

Indirect objects tend to include far more information about the subject. With this type of structure, you answer "who" rather than "what." If you want an example of this, then you could have "James bought her the gift." Who did James buy the gift for? You also have "the child threw his dad the frisbee." Who did the child throw the frisbee to?

At the end of the day, it's very easy to rephrase the sentence so that the indirect object appears right after the direct object. This can be done as part of a prepositional phrase. This could be "James purchased the gift for her."

Object Complements and the Subject

If you have a predicate that utilizes linking verbs rather than action verbs, then this can be a compliment. If you have a compliment, then this can be a noun phrase, a noun, a pronoun, or even an adjective. A subject complement is usually known as a predicate nominative. This works by modifying the subject so that it can be described even more. You could have "I am a father," or you could have, "the man is blonde."

With an object complement, it works the same way. The only difference is that it is for the object of the sentence instead. This will follow a transitive verb. In other words, it will express the action that is performed. You could have "I named my son Carlton." In this example, the noun "Carlton" happens to complement the object, which is "son." You could also have "the cat considers me to be his servant." The noun phrase "his servant" happens to complement the object, which is "me." As you can see, the complements happen to explain way more in the sentence. It's very easy to see how they fit in with the whole structure if you utilize sentence diagramming .

Adverbial and Adjectival Modifiers

Just like compliments, a modifier will add some more information to the original structure. An adjectival modifier will change a noun and a pronoun. If you have an adverbial modifier, then this will change the adjective, adverb, and verb. It is possible for certain parts of the speech to do this work alone. An example of this would be "the red boat sank." The modifier of "red" changes the subject, which is "boat." You could also have "the boat slowly sank." The adverbial change of "slowly" alters the verb, which is "sank."

At the end of the day, you have to know that not all modifiers are individual words. Sometimes it can be a group of words. This is known as a phrase, and it helps everything to work together. Some examples would be "she worked out in the morning" or "the girl fell asleep at work." You could also have "the couple bought a very luxurious property." When you write, it should be noted that modifiers are optional. They simply provide more information, and they are not essential when you compare them to a subject or even a verb .

How to Write Good Sentences

A good sentence is able to express a thought as well as communicate an idea clearly. It's important to know that there are a lot of other components that you will have to consider, as these will all add to your sentence construction . A good sentence is a complete sentence. If you have a complete sentence, then you will have to ensure you include a subject as well as a verb. You will also need to express a complete verb. This is known as an independent clause. The element of a sentence gives you a chance to express an idea without the need for you to have additional information. One example of this would be "parents tend to worry about their children." This is a complete sentence, and it also conveys a very clear idea. A good sentence will conjure a certain mood as well.

This is especially the case when you are trying to appeal to the sensibilities of your reader. Using emotion in your text can really make a big difference as to whether or not your audience responds to what you are trying to say. This is mainly useful in the realm of business writing or in copywriting. You need to establish a connection with the reader so you can address their thoughts and wishes. You can then compel them to take action on whatever it is you are selling. Of course, a good sentence will also paint a picture. You have to use a strong and sensory image so you can then create the same picture for your reader. It doesn't provide too much information to insult your audience's imagination, but it does help to ensure that there is enough information to convey the message that you are trying to get across. A single sentence can easily become more potent when you are able to attach a visual to it. A good sentence also has to have a lot of flow. How you word a sentence will dictate the pacing, and it should also be unmarred by any kind of poor punctuation. A reader should really not have to go back time and time again to re-read a sentence so that they can understand it. It should be conveyed clearly, and it should not at all be convoluted by any complex diction.

At the end of the day, understanding sentences don't have to be difficult and if you follow this guide, you should find that you are able to construct full sentences that are grammatically correct and that convey a point.